Protecting personal and corporate confidentialities from the interference
of parties that never received an invitation to your private life.
JumPedal History

- During extensive travel to over twenty countries in the South Pacific, Asia, India and South America, JumPedal’s founder Peter St. George, saw first hand the disadvantaged communication and information resources that unnecessarily impoverished local populations in the developing world.
- St. George was determined to level the field between rich and poor by either upgrading the world’s 800 million copper wire phone lines to fiber, or by re-writing the mathematics that drove the global communication network. The first option was not financially possible, so the second option of rewriting the network’s mathematics to provide a more efficient, more equitable, information resource was embarked upon.
- Was awarded research funding and employed researchers and assistants to begin work.

- St. George and his team focused on large number mathematics and very large integers of not less than one megabyte to determine if the micro-to-macro digital universe had uniform performance characteristics. At the time it took 9 days to produce a single multiplication of two one-megabyte size integers. Division of two would take seventeen days.
- Acquired new rounds of research funding.
- St. George hired experts in the field: PHDs, Fields Medalists, scientists from CERN, specialists in pattern recognition, and built out engineering teams in Europe, the US, and India, collectively employing a staff of over one hundred.
- Began working in random number and compression theory, developed complex ordinal series manipulations and overlays, and produced dozens of unique digital manipulation tool sets.

- Continued R&D and introduced Chinese multipliers and division by inversion, resulting in improved performances of multiplication and division processes – was able to multiply, divide, or compare any two one-megabyte size numbers in milliseconds.
- St. George reduced the size of the team so research could have a higher focus and less distributed approach.
- Refined key theories in Quantum-based manipulations of three-dimensional Newtonian side digital structures. Simultaneously expanded tool sets, with the intention of procuring private research financing.

- Incorporation of JumPedal.
- Began upgrading pre-incorporation tool sets for continuing research of BinaryAcceleration mathematical processes, designed to exploit the quantum Newtonian surface intersection. BinaryAcceleration mathematical processes will power InfinityCoil and CipherCoil microchips.
- R&D continues as toolset library expands to over 250 uniquely designed quantum Newtonian surface intersection manipulating components and processes.
- Began developing ArmorGuard’s quantum safe networking, its dual independent cloud networking architecture and its six unique layers of cascading one-after-another ciphering.
- Initiated the integration of CipherCoil’s complexity generation components with National Institute of Standards and Technology, “NIST” standards formulas for cryptographic application.

- Completed software prototype of ArmorGuard networking that includes file management functions of folder, sub-folder and file copy paste, delete and sharing in window’s like formatting.
- Created CipherCoil cipher key prototype that transforms 128- or 256-bit pseudo random inputs into millions of randomized cipher key bits that conform to NIST standards for cryptographic application.
- Developed the key components of BinaryAcceleration cipher compression mathematics that encode the InfinityCoil’s quantum states into digital structures to reduce bit lengths, and CipherCoil’s quantum states to generate the many complex bits of ArmorGuard’s interweave and One-Time Pad cipher keys.
Where We’re Going
JumPedal’s extensive research has produced a significant intellectual property library that will support value-added improvements to the infrastructure of our ArmorGuard network. These additions will enable us to enter multiple market opportunities and to expand our initial network products for years to come.
Moving forward we have our work cut out for us.
Transforming decades of Research and an intellectual property library of hundreds of uniquely developed tool sets into Application-specific integrated circuit, “ASIC” microchips for both InfinityCoil and CipherCoil prototyping prior to fully custom microchip development. This includes evolution of our copyrights, trademarks, patent filings and the expansion of engineering teams that will support the growth of ArmorGuard.
Expanding ArmorGuard’s server network and value-added network services that include messaging, audio and video communications. Additions, will include infrastructure components that support development of our planned Rouge Application Terminator, “RAT” application detection and termination system that will operate on network end-points and databases and will support the development of our Ransom Ware Defender.
Optimizing existing technology processes, as JumPedal’s management advances strategic partnership opportunities for product optimizations, integrations, and vertical market development. All to improve our asset base and the expansion of the JumPedal brand.