InfinityCoilTM and CipherCoilTM microchips operate in a paired cross locking configuration that generates unhackable One-Time Pad cipher keys at network end-points where they apply quantum secure cryptography to messages of any length.
Interlocked Microchip Hardware
InfinityCoilTM and CipherCoilTM are a matched hardware set that employ a cross checked, cipher key encoding and decoding deadlock validation at network end-points, that terminates hardware hacking, concurrently ensuring transaction integrity.
In software optimization development

Interlocked Microchip Hardware
InfinityCoilTM and CipherCoilTM are a matched hardware set that employ a cross checked, cipher key encoding and decoding deadlock validation at network end-points that terminates at network end-points that terminate hardware hacking, concurrently ensuring transaction integrity.
In software optimization development
Why is Interlocking Hardware So Special?
ArmorGuard’s Hardware Defense
Each Independently Generated Key Contains a Hidden Hardware Deadbolt Authorization Key
Two keys each generated on an independent network, each with an embedded-hidden deadbolt authorization key creates four interdependent key authorizations that are performed at network end-points before a final with Interweave, or One-Time Pad, (OTP) key can be assembled for message encoding.
ArmorGuard supports a unique system of interlocking cipher key hardware dependencies that originate in ArmorGuard’s dual cloud network. Each cloud produces and transmits a hidden key-within-a-key hardware deadbolt authorization. One network producing a message key and a hidden hardware deadbolt authorization for an InfinityCoil microchip and the other a message key and a hidden hardware deadbolt authorization for a CipherCoil authorization. These authorizations are checked and cross checked within the paired microchips, when key deadbolt authorizations are matched by the paired microchips cross encoding and decoding operations both hardware and transaction integrity are confirmed.
- ArmorGuard’s independent networks produce two key sets. Once set being produce on a primary cloud, and the second on a secondary cloud.
- Each key set will contain a message key and a embedded-hidden hardware deadbolt authorization.
- Both server systems will independently apply the InfinityCoil’s quantum entanglement encoding to encode and independently transmit their quantum secure key and authorization combination to an end-point device.
- InfinityCoil microchip enabled end-point device will receive two quantum secure key combinations, one from a primary cloud and one from a secondary cloud.
- InfinityCoil will initiate key-within-a-key deadbolt authorization cross checks with the CipherCoil. Cross checked confirmation will ensure transaction integrity and the CipherCoil’s generation of a quantum secure Interweave or One-Time Pad message key.
- CipherCoil will apply either an Interweave or One-Time Pad quantum secure cryptography to the select message for transmission or storage across the ArmorGuard network.

Nested key-in-a-key cross checks give you full control of your information, as you are the only person with the end-point device that can assemble the keys that are required to decode a message.
ArmorGuard’s Hardware Defense

Each Independently Generated Key Contains a Hidden Hardware Deadbolt Authorization Key
Two keys each generated on an independent network, each with an embedded-hidden deadbolt authorization key creates four interdependent key authorizations that are performed at network end-points before a final with Interweave, or One-Time Pad, (OTP) key can be assembled for message encoding.
ArmorGuard supports a unique system of interlocking cipher key hardware dependencies that originate in ArmorGuard’s dual cloud network. Each cloud produces and transmits a hidden key-within-a-key hardware deadbolt authorization. One network producing a message key and a hidden hardware deadbolt authorization for an InfinityCoil microchip and the other a message key and a hidden hardware deadbolt authorization for a CipherCoil authorization. These authorizations are checked and cross checked within the paired microchips, when key deadbolt authorizations are matched by the paired microchips cross encoding and decoding operations both hardware and transaction integrity are confirmed.
- ArmorGuard’s independent networks produce two key sets. Once set being produce on a primary cloud, and the second on a secondary cloud.
- Each key set will contain a message key and a embedded-hidden hardware deadbolt authorization.
- Both server systems will independently apply the InfinityCoil’s quantum entanglement encoding to encode and independently transmit their quantum secure key and authorization combination to an end-point device.
- InfinityCoil microchip enabled end-point device will receive two quantum secure key combinations, one from a primary cloud and one from a secondary cloud.
- InfinityCoil will initiate key-within-a-key deadbolt authorization cross checks with the CipherCoil. Cross checked confirmation will ensure transaction integrity and the CipherCoil’s generation of a quantum secure Interweave or One-Time Pad message key.
- CipherCoil will apply either an Interweave or One-Time Pad quantum secure cryptography to the select message for transmission or storage across the ArmorGuard network.

Nested key-in-a-key cross checks give you full control of your information, as you are the only person with the end-point device that can assemble the keys that are required to decode a message.